Private Reiki Sessions
Reiki is a safe, gentle, non-intrusive healing technique where the hands are placed and held either above or on the body according to the wishes of the client. The client is fully-clothed, lying on a massage/Reiki table. Reiki can help release deep-seated tension, restore harmony and balance to the body and mind, and be a wonderful supplement to other healing modalities.
Rhonda is a Certified Kali-Ki Reiki® Master, Practitioner and Teacher. For information about Kali-Ki Reiki®, including Rhonda’s classes and teachings visit The Wisdom School website: thewisdomschool.us
$75/1-hour sessions
Sliding scale available.
Email for appointment time.
Contact Rhonda at 707-333-4456 | email

Reiki is a safe, gentle, non-intrusive healing technique where the hands are placed and held either above or on the body according to the wishes of the client. The client is fully-clothed, lying on a massage/Reiki table. Reiki can help release deep-seated tension, restore harmony and balance to the body and mind, and be a wonderful supplement to other healing modalities.
Rhonda is a Certified Kali-Ki Reiki® Master, Practitioner and Teacher. For information about Kali-Ki Reiki®, including Rhonda’s classes and teachings visit The Wisdom School website: thewisdomschool.us
$75/1-hour sessions
Sliding scale available.
Email for appointment time.
Contact Rhonda at 707-333-4456 | email

“From my first Reiki session with Rhonda, her wisdom, warmth, and compassion were immediately evident. Rhonda’s attentive listening was accompanied by gentle advice and profound insights. Her touch, tender yet powerful, left a lasting impression.
She inspired me to take first and second level training and eventually embark on the Master Path.
I am very grateful for the wisdom Rhonda has shared, as I continue to explore the transformative journey that Kali-Ki Reiki offers.”
“Rhonda is a gifted healer. For decades, I’ve gone to Rhonda for support with Ayurvedic medicine, meditative practices and most recently, Kali-Ki Reiki. She even inspired me to learn this modality and was my first level teacher. When I receive Reiki sessions from her, the level of relaxation my body and spirit experience feels like my soul has had an intensive massage. I always leave feeling lighter and whole.”
“I’m new to Reiki. Last year, I decided to try an individual session with Rhonda Slota. In that session, I experienced a strong emotional release as well as a sense of physical well-being. As I am learning more about Reiki energy work – it is best to just follow one’s “intuition” and not overthink the decision. You never know what you might discover!”